
Does Anybody Hear Her? Does Anybody See?

My Gratitude for Today

  1. I am so very grateful for the ability to sleep until noon today
  2. I am grateful for Grandma taking the boys last night
  3. I am grateful for my CR lessons
  4. I am grateful for my child who prayed the best prayer at Dinner tonight
  5. I am for VBS that will be starting Monday!

Depression Recovery Groups

Do you struggle with depression? Do you feel like you are " stuck" in life? People struggling with depression often feel as if they have no choices or alternatives and can't see that there are solutions to their problems. Sometimes people suffering with depression feel like things will never be any better no matter what they or anybody else does about it. They often feel shame and blame and anger, and often feel worthless and powerless. They often conclude that everything in life is hopeless. The result is they spiral down and become more and more depressed.

All this is a lie! The truth is..... there is hope!

Celebrate Recovery offers lasting hope and healing from depression. The help offered by Celebrate Recovery is spiritual, and it starts with turning one’s life and will over to the care and control of Jesus Christ. We finally stop running from our depression and acknowledge that we have a problem that we have not been able to get under control. We come to recognize that Jesus Christ is our loving Higher Power, and He will provide all the resources needed to overcome our issues with depression.

Through attending weekly Celebrate Recovery meetings learn how to:
  • identify the underlying causes of our depression
  • appropriate God’s power in eliminating them
  • view life in a healthy and productive way
  • forgive those who have hurt us
  • make amends to all the people we have hurt
  • change our focus from ourselves to others.

The result? Lasting freedom and permanent victory.

Over the years many people struggling with depression have gone through Celebrate Recovery program with incredible results. Celebrate Recovery has a success rate much higher than conventional recovery programs. Why not give it a try? I AM.

Make a decision today to make a positive and everlasting change for the better.


How Great is our God/ How Great Thou Art

Daily Inventory


Did I show love to others?
I wish I could show my love to my husband and children. I am not sure I know how anymore.

Was I gentle?

Did I have Peace?
No peace in me

Did I use patience?
Even tho we are on summer break I still cannot extend patience to others

Was I Faithful?
I am being faithful in my journaling this evening

Did I show self-control?
I have seemed to not have any self control over my emotion of anger, depression or anxiety today.

Am I full of joy?
I am unable to define joy at this moment

Was I Good?
I did all the necessary things in my household today.

Was I Kind? I
did not go out of my way to do something that was not required of me today.

Where do I need to make amends?
I need an edit button and complete this day over until my CR meeting.
I just had a hard day. I could barely function. All I could do is sit at my desk and read. I could not get myself to be productive. I am so tired of this occurring, I want my life back. I want my energy back.
I need to get up and give my children some loves and tuck them into bed. I know now that I did not give them that today and I am promptly making the choice to change that.

Gratitude for Today

We have to look at the storm, the clouds ahead in order to see the silver lining!

  1. I am grateful for my CR group
  2. I am grateful for the lesson tonight on Daily Inventory
  3. I am grateful for the one who shared tonight
  4. I am grateful for my friend who is going to make me walk.. even if she has to bring a wheelbarrow
  5. I am grateful for my husband for not giving up on me


Todays Gratitude Journal

  1. I am grateful for sleeping in.. and my children slept in too!
  2. Therefore .. I am very grateful for summer vacation
  3. I am grateful for the sun coming out (even tho I did not have the mojo to go out in it)
  4. I am grateful for funny movies like The Pirates Who Dont Do Anything
  5. I am grateful for scrumptious dinners


Daily Inventory

Good things that happened today:

  • I spent Fathers Day with my husband and our children
  • Attended Church
  • Got to pick up my children
  • All of us slept in till 9:15a

Not so good things that happened today:

  • Had to drive 2 hours to get my children
  • Did not get to have Dinner until 9:30p
  • Feel like I should have been able to do more for my husband on Fathers Day

Lesson Learned:

No matter how hard I try at making plans .. someone else ( husbands ex-wife or my ex husband) will ruin them

Gratitude for Today

  1. I am grateful for my husband this Father's Day in that he is an awesome father to our daughter, his children and my children.
  2. I am grateful for my church family - especially for the Children's Ministry
  3. I am grateful for the time of worship I had this morning
  4. I am grateful to have my children back at home after a weekend of them away at their dad's
  5. I am grateful for all my friends & family's prayers that got me through the tough weekend