
Gratitude for Today

I am such an awful journalist - I must confess it has been a week since my last entry. It has been an interesting week. Monday 2 of my children left to go with there father for the month. Tuesday I had an anxiety attack that sent me to the ER. (which ended up being a blessing, for now I am on Prozac and have a doctor) Wednesday my husband stayed home with me and I contacted Lay Counseling at the church, received my medication and slept! Thursday was our anniversary so I stayed home from CR to be with him. We had an incredible dinner and dessert! Friday I went to bed EARLY and today is Saturday which I slept a lot too!

  1. I am grateful for the paramedics that took me to the hospital with such great care
  2. I am grateful for the nurses at the hospital
  3. I am grateful for the ER Doctor who took time to listen
  4. I am so very grateful for the Social Worker who counseled me through my hyperventilation
  5. I am grateful to be on Prozac


Taking 12 Steps Away from Depression

Step One: Finding the Right Doctor

Step Two: Find the Medication

Step Three: Exercise

Researchers say that exercise acts like antidepressants in increasing the activity of serotonin and/or norepinephrine in your brain. Working out releases endorphins and other hormones that reduce pain, induce euphoria, have a calming effect and combat stress.

Step Four: Eat Well

Avoid caffeine , white flour and processed food and sugar

Eat More- protein (eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, meat, fish, chicken, seeds, nuts)complex starches (whole grains, beans, potatoes); vegetables (broccoli, spinach, squash)
vitamins (vitamin B-complex, vitamins E and C, and a multivitamin)
minerals (magnesium, calcium, and zinc) omega-3 fatty acids

Step Five: Sleep

Step Six: Get outside in the Sun

Step Seven: Support and Friendships

Step Eight: Get Involved

Step Nine: A Gratitude Journal

Keeping a gratitude journal is one of the most effective happiness boosters.

Step Ten: Therapy (lets not do this with medication alone.

Step Eleven: Prayer and Meditation

Step Twelve: Time


Gratitude for Today

  1. I am so very grateful for the time I spent with my family today
  2. I am so grateful for the lesson in Pride I learned at church
  3. I am grateful for the church picnic we attended
  4. I am grateful for the dinner we shared with family
  5. I am grateful for the moment the fireworks started and my husband was holding our baby, we had one child next to him and one child next to me. I was leaning on my husband and had my arms wrapped around him and my husband. All of us ooohing and aaahhhing at the fireworks ahead, listening to God Bless America play through the loud speakers. Time stood still this moment. I soaked it all up! This is what life is all about.