
Gratitude for Today

I am such an awful journalist - I must confess it has been a week since my last entry. It has been an interesting week. Monday 2 of my children left to go with there father for the month. Tuesday I had an anxiety attack that sent me to the ER. (which ended up being a blessing, for now I am on Prozac and have a doctor) Wednesday my husband stayed home with me and I contacted Lay Counseling at the church, received my medication and slept! Thursday was our anniversary so I stayed home from CR to be with him. We had an incredible dinner and dessert! Friday I went to bed EARLY and today is Saturday which I slept a lot too!

  1. I am grateful for the paramedics that took me to the hospital with such great care
  2. I am grateful for the nurses at the hospital
  3. I am grateful for the ER Doctor who took time to listen
  4. I am so very grateful for the Social Worker who counseled me through my hyperventilation
  5. I am grateful to be on Prozac

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